Winter Moon

This epic “Winter Moon” is written by Dannika Dark and narrated by Nicole Poole.  This is the 7th volume of “Seven Dark”. Dannika Dark is a renowned writer of America and she has written several romantic books. Due to her matchless efforts in every discipline and her rememberable work in writings, he was nominated for the “Earphone Award Winner”. These books are glimpses of her wonderful work Afterlife and Ravenheart. If anyone wants to have a detailed read of her work then the above-mentioned books are the most intriguing volumes to quench their thirst.

Nicole Poole has narrated several series and This “Winter Moon” is her amazing narration which is having a spell bonding effect on the readers.

The Weston pack held up until the last moment to get ready for “Christmas”. Spirits were low, and now they were in a clamber when an oddity blizzard takes out the vigor. Despite squabbling among the “packmates” and the danger of rebels, the family was compassionate to make this a paramount “Christmas”. When a significant relative disappeared, the pack was excited right into it. Time was expiring and the temperature is decreasing quickly.

Dannika Dark is an extremely innovative author and Nicole Poole rejuvenates that story the both together are an ideal match for carrying life from clear pages to a tale.


Full Audiobook
