Wild Irish Roots: Margaret & Sean

Wild Irish Roots: Margaret & Sean is a contemporary romance novel. The book is fifth chapter of Mystic Cove novel series. It is written by Tricia O’Malley. She is a Caribbean based bestselling author in NYT and USA Today. She loves to write romance and mystery thrillers. She has offered audience with stunning novels such as Seven Deadly Tequilas and Wild Irish Heart.

Amy Landon has narrated this novel. She is a great narrator and she made this novel and its characters sound so good. After listening to Amy in this novel, you would really like her to continue further in this fantastic series.

It is never easy to admit mistakes and in case of the shrewd Margaret O’Brien, it was an unheard of thing. When she made a return to Ireland for the wedding of her daughter then she was pushed hard to face her own secretive past. She was never expecting to be thrown right upside down over the shoulder of a very handsome Irishman.

Sean Burke still managed to make her toes go all curls with extreme lust.

It was a period of 28 years, a couple of countries and a long time of hurt that stands right amid Margaret and Sean’s chance at love. Their love had a very long and deep history which altogether makes a very fascinating story for the audience to experience.

This is a very entertaining novel that started off quite well and then came to a perfect ending. Tricia in the capacity of the writer of this novel has done a tremendous job. Amy Landon also deserves a mention here who gave such a fantastic narration of this audiobook.

Full Audiobook
