Nalini Singh can easily create mystery out of thin air and such kinds of creations are rare to find if we keep in view the quality of the thoughts as well. The author’s prime motive has been to impress the audience with the versatile themes which the author comes up with all the time. This book has four portions and in the first one, we meet Tazia who is an engineer by profession and she is going quite fine in her department.
There is only one thing which is troubling her in her life and that is her relationship with the Psy station commander. She wants to take the relationship to a further level and perhaps he is trying to hide his feelings. Tazia knows that she has to take the next step in order to tell the love of her life that she really cares and wants to embrace him.

Angela Dawe narrates Dorian after this who has not allowed his leopard to come out but now he has started thinking that it is time to bring out the best in him because this is the only thing which is required of him. Just same as Angels’ Blood the next story in the book brings to the scene a broken wolf changeling named Felix. He got dominated by a female who broke his heart and he is not going to allow this to happen.
However, when he meets Leopard Dezi, he thinks that he is going to lose this battle again. In the last part, the author of Quiet in Her Bones brings forward another love story in which the two lovers get a second chance to come closer and all they have to do is to keep themselves alive until they unite.
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Audiobook player
- 01. Chapter 01 98.1961
- 02. Chapter 02 872.071
- 03. Chapter 03 986.55
- 04. Chapter 04 768.224
- 05. Chapter 05 1093.11
- 06. Chapter 06 1062.44
- 07. Chapter 07 995.851
- 08. Chapter 08 932.472
- 09. Chapter 09 1010.69
- 10. Chapter 10 1242
- 11. Chapter 11 568.054
- 12. Chapter 12 181.848
- 13. Chapter 13 572.678
- 14. Chapter 14 735.75
- 15. Chapter 15 583.416
- 16. Chapter 16 445.868
- 17. Chapter 17 820.108
- 18. Chapter 18 913.479
- 19. Chapter 19 898.274
- 20. Chapter 20 1253.42
- 21. Chapter 21 1228.86
- 22. Chapter 22 1210.23
- 23. Chapter 23 1144.19
- 24. Chapter 24 1304.73
- 25. Chapter 25 1125.14
- 26. Chapter 26 1098.97
- 27. Chapter 27 365.194
- 28. Chapter 28 1010.3
- 29. Chapter 29 1087.86
- 30. Chapter 30 1337.78
- 31. Chapter 31 1258.96
- 32. Chapter 32 1191.66
- 33. Chapter 33 1324.09
- 34. Chapter 34 1539.33
- 35. Chapter 35 1320.82
- 36. Chapter 36 1372.47
- 37. Chapter 37 1142.52
- 38. Chapter 38 1228.52
- 39. Chapter 39 1571.75
- 40. Chapter 40 1054.74