Wild Cat is a romance fantasy novel. It is the 8th chapter in the A Leopard Novel series. This title is written by Christine Feehan. Read on the River is a highly recommended book that the author wrote. On top of that, Dark Challenge is another magnificent book that the author has written. The audio narration of Wild Cat is done by Karen White. It was a struggle to finish this novel in audio as the narrator had a monotonous and flat tone.
A very simple request for Siena was to just deliver a gift item to the friend of her grandfather. Just a single look at Elijah and Siena succumbed to a slinky stirring that she never had before, and also to the pleasurable and reckless demands of Elijah. But when that intense moment came to an end within the murder of an unlikely intruder, Elijah straightaway accused the confused and shaken Siena for just setting him up.

Then Siena found out the truth about her Leopard heritage regarding the secrets within the inner circle of her grandfather. It was also about a sinister plot for revenge that put her in complete jeopardy. When the grandfather of Siena got assassinated then she realized that Elijah was the only person whom she could trust. As the Leopard then rose from within, Elijah and Siena shared not just an animal instinct required for survival but also a desire that was wild and raw.
The story of Wild Cat is mostly good and the characters were fine as well. However, the narration was way below average which ruined the overall experience of trying this novel in audio.
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Audiobook player
- 01. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_01 3746.88
- 02. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_02 3746.88
- 03. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_03 3746.88
- 04. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_04 3746.88
- 05. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_05 3746.88
- 06. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_06 3746.88
- 07. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_07 3746.88
- 08. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_08 3746.88
- 09. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_09 3746.88
- 10. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_10 3746.88
- 11. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_11 3746.88
- 12. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_12 3746.88
- 13. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_13 3746.88
- 14. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_14 3746.88
- 15. Wild Cat (Leopard 8)_15 3746.78