It is good to notice that every novel which comes out of the pen of Robyn Carr is unique and the author does not try to blend the old themes. Redwood Bend and Hidden Summit are fine examples of the quality work which the author has come up with for the fans. So many times the neurosurgeon named Maggie saved the life of people with the skills and talent that she had.
It was just a single mistake that resulted in the death of a teenager and her whole hard work just crashed to the ground. The emergency procedure was quite risky but Maggie took the risk because she wanted to save the life of the teenager which she failed later on. Soon the case was taken to the police and Maggie had to face a lawsuit against her.

In a broken condition, Maggie goes to Sullivan’s Crossing i.e a place that once belonged to her grandfather, and then was handed over to her father. When she pays a visit to her father unexpectedly, the old man welcomes her with delight. Soon Maggie finds herself in further grief when her father dies and the business is left for her to handle. Here she meets Cal Jones who starts helping her without any purpose.
The two come really close because both of them have no friends in the area so they were helpful to each other. Maggie comes to know the secret of Cal Jones quite later and till then she has decided not to leave this fine man. With Therese Plummer in the narration section, this story of struggle and hardship will come up with a lot to learn for everyone.
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Audiobook player
- 01. chapter 1 3600.1
- 02. chapter 10 1485.55
- 03. chapter 2 3600.1
- 04. chapter 3 3600.1
- 05. chapter 4 3600.1
- 06. chapter 5 3600.1
- 07. chapter 6 3600.1
- 08. chapter 7 3600.1
- 09. chapter 8 3600.1
- 10. chapter 9 3600.1