Web of Lies

This “Web of Lies” is written by Jennifer Estep and narrated by Lauren Fortgang. This is the 2nd volume of “Elemental Assassin”. Jennifer Estep is a renowned writer of America and best known for her publications. she documented all this “Web of Lies” story more effectively. If you want to have a read of her work then do refer to these books Spider’s Bite and Last Strand.

It is the Interest that is unquestionably going to get me dead before long. I am “Gin Blanco” and famous as the “Spider” the most dreaded professional killer in the “South”. I am resigned now however, inconvenience has a pursuit of discovering me. Like a few days ago, when two troublemakers attempted to loot my famous grill joint the “Pork Pit”. Then, at that point, there was a torrent of gunfire in the cafe and those fires were not pointed at me. They were intended for “Violet Fox”.

Since that time I consented to help “Violet” and her granddad and shield their property from an evil coalmining mogul. I am starting to contemplate whether I am truly resigned. So was “Detective Donovan Caine” who was the solitary legitimate officer in “Ashland” who was having a genuinely tough time accommodating his appreciation for me with his “Boy Scout” attitude. Furthermore, I can scarcely keep myself away from his attractive body. Nothing more needs to be said. Fortunately “Gin Blanco” consistently wanted her man dead or alive. The second part of the first individual “Elemental Assassin” series is convincing and “Gin Blanco” is a charming practical character, whose multifaceted layers are simply starting to unwind.

Full Audiobook
