Viper’s Defiant Mate

Looking for a love story with spicy action and adventure then you have come to the right place. Viper is a prince but more than this, he is a warrior who has never lost on the battlefield. Every task which has been assigned to him by his brother King Vox has been fulfilled with minimal ease. On this occasion, Viper is given two tasks by his brother i.e deliver some documents to the humans and then in return kidnap Tina and her Grandma.
Tina happens to be the sister of Riley who is going to marry the king very soon. Viper has to take these women to his home planet but kidnapping them is not an easy task. As Viper comes closer to Tina, he gets the hint that she is the mate he has been looking for all these years. The cat also confirms this thing to Viper and now he has to protect Tina at any cost whether he has to go against the direct commands of the king.

There also remains a problem i.e the two ladies don’t know anything about the abduction and if they find out then Viper’s position will be sacrificed. David Brenin has given the same kind of pitch to Tina and Viper because they are presented as characters that are equal in strength.

Abducting Abby and Twin Dragons’ Destiny made S.E. Smith quite famous among fiction lovers and this novel polished the skills of the author even further. The attraction between the two mates gets into gear very slowly but at the climax real heat can be felt by all means as both try to come close to one another.

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