
Unraveled is a contemporary romance novel that is the opening installment in The Untangled Series. The book is written by Ivy Layne. She is writing from a quite young age and gave some really good novels. Her stories have a lot of billionaires and one good example of such a book is her The Billionaire’s Secret Love novel. Another one of the types is her Compromising the Billionaire novel which will be a fantastic read as well.

This audiobook is narrated by the duo of Soren Gray and Stephanie Rose. The narration was horrible and it sounded like some broken record. You will find it extremely hard to finish this book with this narration.

As per Summer, Evers is quite dangerous. Just a single flash of that naughty smile and I was sure that he is going to ruin me. He is the one who makes my brain wet and my body shiver. He is a big mistake. Girls of my type mostly don’t like men like Evers. But, I let him in every time he knocks on my door.

As per Evers, I never had any sort of problem in mixing work and pleasure but only until I met Summer. I should have kept an eye on her and shouldn’t have taken her to the bed. I just couldn’t let her go once I had her at the right place. I could do anything to have her back. It was quite easy to do. The real challenge was the Russian mob who was chasing us and her dad was dragging us to hell.

There was absolutely no issue with the story or characters of this book. They all were magnificent. The main issue is with the backbone of this audiobook, which is narration and it was very poorly done.

Full Audiobook
