
Twisted is a contemporary romance novel written by Helen Hardt. It is the eighth chapter of The Steel Brothers Saga. She is very special with her style of writing. The author has written some inspiring contemporary romance novels. Follow Me Darkly is one of her fascinating novels that comes with a gripping tale. Other than this, Craving is another novel from the author which is worth investing your time in.

The narration of this chapter is done by Aiden Snow and Lucy Rivers. This narration was good but not perfect. However, it is a lot better than the narrations in the previous chapters of the series.

Ryan Steel is the one whose world toppled with a dark secret just recently. He is now up against another revelation that is surrounding the mystery of the Steel family. He does not completely trust the woman he loves or even his siblings. He is all alone and on his own. He is immersed and terrified with a conundrum that becomes a lot more twisted every day.

Ruby Lee is in love with Ryan and wants to help him desperately. She will do whatever she could to see through the difficult time. But, it is her shrouded past that is still haunting her. She at her end is fully determined for putting an end to all of their mysteries. But, the more she digs, the more danger she sees.

It was a difficult series and this chapter is no different. You will find a lot of repetition as well. There is no point in offering more and more volumes when there is nothing new to be offered to the listeners.

Full Audiobook
