Turbulent Sea is a paranormal romance fantasy novel. It is the sixth chapter in the Drake Sisters novel series. The book is authored by Christine Feehan. You will find her writing paranormal romance and paranormal military thriller novels. Ghostly Game is one novel by the author that you couldn’t afford to miss out on. The same could also be said about the Shadow Game novel by Christine Feehan.Turbulent Sea is narrated in audio by Alyssa Bresnahan. She did a wonderful job in bringing this story to life.
The story in Turbulent Sea started with the star and that star was Joley Drake who was born with a legacy of many surprising magical gifts. But it was mainly the gift of singing that made her a sensation at a quick time. She was a rock-and-roll goddess trapped by fortune, fame, and ambition. Joley was soon found to be heated by the flush of success. She could easily get any man that she wanted. But there was only one man who could give her what she needs.
Ilya Prakenskii was the bodyguard, who was inscrutable, cool, and dangerously sexy. He was working underneath the shadow of his poor reputation. It was of a Secret Russian hit ma. He was supposed to be the very last man whom Joley could trust and get close to. Still, when her life got threatened on a tour, she had nowhere left to run or turn.
But in the seductive safe keep of the embrace of Ilya, was Joley as secure as she always thought to be? Grab your copy of the Turbulent Sea audio title and find not only this answer but a completely exciting story as well.
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Audiobook player
- 01. chapter 001 2805.34
- 02. chapter 002 2364.09
- 03. chapter 003 2578.8
- 04. chapter 004 2960.79
- 05. chapter 005 2781.53
- 06. chapter 006 2560.91
- 07. chapter 007 2607.12
- 08. chapter 008 2384.32
- 09. chapter 009 2250.57
- 10. chapter 010 2768.26
- 11. chapter 011 2397.78
- 12. chapter 012 2503.29
- 13. chapter 013 2498.88
- 14. chapter 014 2407.66
- 15. chapter 015 2513.71
- 16. chapter 016 2455.06
- 17. chapter 017 2242.39
- 18. chapter 018 2375.12
- 19. chapter 019 2275.18
- 20. chapter 020 1672.04