Traitor Born

Being part of the royal family is great fun i.e if you are on the top of the list because as routine royal families are like a caste system in which the first one gets all. The second and third ones on the list can only serve the throne and then if they are lucky they do get the chance to rise to the throne after the death of the first heir. Roselle was the unlucky one because she was the second born in the royal family. It means that she was bound to serve her elder brother and her mother who happens to be the queen.
Her elder brother was destined to be the next king of the land and she was destined to serve him as a military officer. During different encounters with the rebels, Roselle became interested in their case and they also showed interest in her.

The rebels presented Roselle with an option i.e she can help them and get the throne in the end. When the queen came to know about this conspiracy she at once ordered her soldiers to kill Roselle without any delay. From here on Roselle was considered a traitor and she went against everything which she was taught. Amy A. Bartol’s novel is narrated by Kate Reinders very superbly and efficiently.

Just keep Secondborn and Rebel Born in stock for the next weekend because these are the next parts of this series. The Series has a great flow or smoothness in it so get all of these parts without any hesitation. None of the parts of this series will give you a dull feeling.

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