Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson makes the characters dance on the will of the Wheel of Time. It is the Wheel of Time which decides the dawn and end of an era so the human beings and all other creatures are just puppets in front of its movement. Centuries ago the Dark One was captured by those who believed in the light. He was locked in the deepest dungeon and seals of magic were put on the gate by the elders so that he may never be able to break out. But that era is ending with the death of the previous generation. The seals are not strong enough and with every jerk they become weaker. Time is not far away when the Dark Lord will return with a vengeance. People like Perrin are still present in the world to save it from deadly monsters but there are problems which have engaged them deeply. Perrin is still unable to control the wolf that is trapped in his body also the burden of leadership is making his life miserable. Michael Kramer and Kate Reading describe this condition of the hero in an absorbing way with the help of their narration.

Then there is also Matrim who has some demons of the past that are returning for another round with him. Matrim won the first round but he may not survive the second because he is not strong enough. Stories such as The Eye of the World and The Dragon Reborn were describing the rise and fall of the heroes. “Towers of Midnight” on the other hand is much like a finale and it give less time to the rise of the heroes as compared to other books.