Tormentor Mine

This volume “Tormentor Mine” is written by Anna Zaires and narrated by Tracy Marks and Sebastian York. This is the first volume of “Tormentor Mine”. Anna Zaires most famous publications are here Angel’s Cage and Devil’s Lair. She belonged to America and is famous for her work in romantic This “Tormentor Mine” is also a versatile piece of her outstanding work amongst others

Peter has wiped out dreamland worked out and he spoiled “Sara” who turned into her defender and spoilt and enticed her and also had made a dim relation carved from death, savagery, retribution, catastrophe, and agony. However, he had likewise become the “Monster Sara” dreaded in particular. Since behind the polite words and delicate sentiments, Peter had for ‘Sara” this needed a murderer and his group who were global executioners for employ. He was hauling “Sara’ into his hazardous world.

This is an awesome composition by “Anna Zaires” since she in a flash attracted the readers to the point of madly incited sensations of sympathy and love for the vagrant. The pain-stricken dad, the blame-ridden single man and were surprisingly the relentless murderer inside this multifaceted hot screw-up. The speed and painting of the unfurling of this story were awesome the sexual moments were warmly presented. It fortunately never arrived at sufficiently dull to get awkward. The two extremely capable and much-adored storytellers had the opportunity to bring these characters to their original tonality.

Full Audiobook
