To Love Jason Thorn

To Love Jason Thorn is a contemporary romance novel written by Ella Maise. She is an internationally known bestselling author. She has given us other jewels like Marriage for One and The Hardest Fall. This story however is about Olive and Jason Thorn, a writer and a movie star respectively.

The story is brilliantly narrated by Lidia Dornet and Sebastian York. Lidia’s performance deserves a special mention here, as she depicted a perfect Olive. Sebastian’s voice may not be age-appropriate to the character he is portraying. Nonetheless, he has given his best performance.

Jason Thorn was the guy that would cause butterflies in Olive’s stomach. He was her brother’s childhood friend. She remembers how much she was in love with him even then. He made her blush. He was her first crush. She lived in a fairy tale until she wasn’t living in the fairy tale. He crushed her heart and left it into pieces.

From then on, Olive tried her best to stay away from Jason. That was hard to do, considering he was sleeping in the room across her. However, a tragedy struck him and he had to move. Thus, this was her chance to think he never existed. The only issue now is that she is a writer of a book from which a movie is being produced. He will be the star of that movie. And Olive is also about to become his wife. Things must have taken a sharp turn somewhere.

This book depicts that every girl remembers her first love, and that love never falters. Even after years of separation, there is a desire to rekindle that love. Still, the romance in the story can take its time to develop. The listener or the reader has to be patient. Then, they are rewarded with the development of an all-consuming love story.

Full Audiobook
