Time’s Divide

Fighting against enemies is a lot easier than fighting against your family members. Kate for years has been fighting against the future which her grandfather planned for the world. The future according to her grandfather would surely be without the people whom Kate loves so much. Thus the girl fights against the circumstances and also the will of her grandfather and stands as a symbol of hope for her friends and the rest of the world.
To avoid the destructive future, Kate has jumped back and forth in time on several occasions and this has disturbed the balance of time too. Each time the girl jumps in the past or future there is a change in the timeline and the fabric of time gets disturbed. She has a group of people on her side but after a lot of time traveling she doubts their abilities as well.

Rysa Walker has designed the story in such a way that a single episode cannot make the story clear for you. Kate Rudd’s narration is crystal clear but the jumps in the story are complex and compelling at the same time. Bell, Book, and Key, and Time’s Edge are among other awesome creations of Walker. The motives of the stories and the passions of the characters are always made clear after a while so the audience has to wait for many things to be clarified by the author. Don’t worry as you will not get bored during this time because the scenes will keep you well engaged with everything. Sudden changes at the climax make the work more interesting than average fiction tales.

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