Three Hours

Dannika Dark is a promising novelist of urban fantasy and paranormal romance. She is also the bestselling author in USA Today. Investing your time in her novels would never be a bad deal to make. So, if you are convinced to read on then do check her The Vow and Seven Years novels. Three Hours is a paranormal romance novel. It is the 5th chapter in Seven (Dark) novel series. Nicole Poole has given the tremendous narration of this novel. She has improved quite a lot from a couple of her average performances before. You will feel like listening to her voice on a loop.

Naya James has the reputation of a very confident lady. She is also someone known for her exotic dance performances as well. She gives a damn if people are judgmental about her. She is OK as far as people do not disrespect her by any means. Life for me has been good always. But, Naya James risked her everything when a couple of dancers got abducted from her club. Naya was determined to find the truth and also to find her fellow dancers.

Wheeler is known as the black sheep in the family. It was all clear from his tattoo collection that depicts his dark personality. There was nothing like Ben who was his twin brother. He was known for doing nothing wrong at all. The pack loyalty of Wheeler is put under severe test when he was ordered by Austin to act as a bodyguard for the lady whom he has hated for years.

It is a double thumbs up for Three Hours novel and its author, Dannika Dark. Apart from the author, Nicole Poole in the capacity of a narrator has done a top-level job.

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