These Old Shades

These Old Shades is the 1st book of the Alastair-Audley series. It is a historical romance novel written by Georgette Heyer and is followed by Devil’s Club. Georgette was a historical romance and detective fiction author. She is known as one of the pioneers of the historical romance genre and the Regency romance subgenre. She has been praised for her witty stories filled with humor and constructed with well-woven plots. You may also check out Friday’s Child written by her.

Alexander Vlahos is the narrator of this audiobook. His take on the characters is quite accurate. Since the author’s fans have read most of her stories, they have an idea in their mind how the character would sound. Vlahos presents an even better rendition than the one in our heads.

Leonie Bonnard can’t help but be drawn into a decades’ long feud. Justin Alastair, the Duke of Avon has a score to settle. He is a reprehensible rake who has been lying in wait with an ax to grind. Decades ago, the Comte de Saint-Vire did something unimaginable. It’s only fair he gets what he deserves.

Justin comes across Leon, a street urchin with a resemblance to his nemesis. He decides to use this person for his revenge plan. Except that he discovers Leon is Leonie in reality. She is a beautiful young ingénue who steals his heart in no time.

Now Leonie could win over the affection of the Duke before it is too late. His need for revenge is consuming him from the inside.

The author’s books are quietly subversive and incisively witty. She has delivered a delicious tale of Regency heroes and Leonie is one of her best characters.

Full Audiobook
