There was a time when the humans and demons had equal strength because of which there was a balance between both worlds. The demons had their superhuman strength and the humans had the power of magic to confront them in open battlefield. However, as time passed the human civilization just left the knowledge of magic aside and got busy in other things. It was good news for the demons because now they can hunt freely at night as no one is there to contest their rule. Author Peter V. Brett portrays the downfall of a civilization that has forgotten the ways of their ancestors but still they are not pessimistic at all. It is said that a hero will emerge one day that will confront the demons with his magical powers and will surely restore the balance on the land. But time is passing real quickly and with every passing day the reign of the demons is getting stronger.

These evil spirits just eat up the innocent humans at night and there is no use of fighting back. The novel is about the much awaited hero on whose arrival depend the fate of mankind. This novel was the first one by the author, The Skull Throne and The Desert Spear came later so this novel will always remain on the top. Also Pete Bradbury narrated it with a lot of sensation in the voice which got printed on the mind of the listeners for years. Story is never ending one thus the author in the last chapter kept it in a moving situation so that the listeners can make their minds ready for the future.