The Soldier’s E-Mail Order Bride

The Soldier’s E-Mail Order Bride is the second chapter of the Heroes of Chance Creek novel series. It is a contemporary romance novel which is written by Cora Seton. She is a contemporary romance novelists and her books have ranked as bestsellers in multiple platforms where the subject novel is ranked right at the top. Apart from this, you will also find Cora with excellent writing done for The Navy SEAL’s E-Mail Order Bride. Moreover, her A SEAL’s Purpose novel will also be a good treat for the ears in the audio format.

Emily Cauldwell is the narrator of this book. She has got a good voice for female characters which she performed well. But, for male voices, she was flat and loses the much important emotional element.

Austin Hall, the Staff Sergeant has a superb record in the Special Forces with one exception. It was the worst decision made which cost him the life of his best friend. He is now going home to Montana. It was thee where he would like to spend the rest of his life in the anonymity of the ranch of his family. The Great Aunt Heloise wouldn’t just hand over the ranch right away unless and until all of the four Hall brothers are married and to produce one heir by at least one of the brothers within a year. Austin Hall was quite broken to marry someone for the sake of love. Therefore, he placed an ad online to get a fake wife.

Ella was there who was desperate to leave Hollywood. She ruined her comeback when she decked her ex while being part of a morning show. Ella needed a new life and a new identity for herself. And then she saw the ad from Austin…

This book is full of passion and emotion. You will be in love with the couple and their chemistry. Further, the narration of this book is acceptable too.

Full Audiobook
