The Prenup

The Prenup is a contemporary romance novel. It is written by Lauren Layne. She is the bestselling author of more than a dozen novels. Her full-time writing career started in 2011 and she gave some sensational novels after that where one of them is Passion on Park Avenue. Her work was also appreciated in To Sir, with Love novel.

The audio narration of this novel is done by Brianna Cohen. It turned out to be a fantastic performance which made this novel so much enjoyable in the audio format.

Charlotte Spencer is one who was raised in Manhattan on its Upper East Side. She never wanted the pretty future which her parents uttered for her. Then came Colin Walsh to the scene where her brothers were found to be quite brooding and quiet. There was a chance to escape with him. He was quite far from being the dream guy of Charlotte. However, they both wanted each other for one major thing, which was marriage. After a courthouse wedding later, all of the inheritance of Charlotte became hers and she could start her very own business within San Francisco.

A bombshell was dropped by Colin after ten years. The terms and conditions of their prenup state that they need to live together under the same roof for at least three months before they could file for a divorce. Suddenly after that, this practical kind of match took a drastic turn while giving a new meaning to their relationship.

The storyline of The Prenup is quite good fun and realistic as well. The audio narration by Brianna was extremely special too.

Full Audiobook
