The Lost and the Chosen

This book is documented by Ivy Asher and recounted by Mia Madison. This epic is taken from the 1st volume of the Lost Sentinel series. The Bone Witch and The Bound Witch are the other matchless writings.

I am known by Vinna and I have been staying quiet. You would as well assuming that you would encounter a portion of the bizarre crap that I have red-looked at beasts pursuing me, markings on my body showing up out of the blue, an odd power that snaps brilliantly over my skin occasionally and does not even get me going on the weapons I can evoke practically all of a sudden. Fortunate for me, I currently cannot seem to meet somebody whose ass I was unable to kick, inside the ring or out.

I put that under serious scrutiny when I run heedlessly into a battle that brings every one of my mysteries, and reality as far as I might be concerned, crashing down around me. I am searching for answers and attempting to sort out what on God’s green earth is going on. Paranormal is my better approach to life. It would not be simple and I am not precisely welcome.

That is until I meet the young men and trust me, they are everything except innocent. I am facing older folks who believe that I am too strong, a family who sees me as a danger, and something prowling in the shadows that have been coming for me my entire life. There was absolutely no way I am going down easily. I am not lost any longer and I am not going to show this world precisely what I can do.



Full Audiobook
