The Host

The Host is a dystopian, romance, science fiction thriller authored by Stephenie Meyer. This book depicts a post-apocalyptic Earth which has been consumed by a parasitic alien race known as “Souls”. It follows the events on one Soul when a human refuses to relinquish control of the body. This book was a #1 New York Times bestseller and was received with praise. It went on to become one of the best books of the year owing to its numerous extended appearances on bestsellers’ lists. Meyer is known around the world because of her Twilight series primarily. Read the first book of the series – Twilight. Other than that, you can listen to The Chemist.

Kate Reading as the narrator has done an admirable job. Since the book is character-driven, a strong voice is needed to guide the plot home. That is what Kate has done.

Melanie Stryder refuses to give up even as Earth has been invaded by a species that takes over the mind of the host. These parasitic creatures leave the body intact. Most of humanity has succumbed to this force. Wanderer is the name of the Soul that has overtaken Melanie. However, living inside this body is not without challenges.

The human overwhelms the foreign inhabitant of the body with emotions and vivid memories. This way, she can exert some control. She shows the Soul visions of the man she loved. Thus, it is too much pressure for the invading inhabitant to take. They both team up to search for this man, driven by the yearning for love.

This book cuts deeper into the thinking of the reader. It challenges us beyond the simple themes that fill its pages. It hints at the root of the human condition, mores, stereotypical misconceptions, and emotional fear.

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