The Girl Who Dared to Think 6: The Girl Who Dared to Endure

Bella Forrest’s long series is closing slowly, after this part, we will surely be listening to the last part of the series. The previous five had non-stop action in them and the sixth one narrated by Kirsten Leigh is not far behind in anything. So the person who is listening to these books since the beginning, should not try to underestimate any of these marvelous parts of the series. Liana is back in this part and she is presented as a fully charged up character in most of the novel. The world around the girl is crumbling and she wants to keep it in its original place which does not look possible at all.
Previous parts were just like an ultimatum and now the real picture is emerging which cannot be controlled at any rate. The time for romance and love is not there anymore because the world is going to bits within no time. Liana can just hope that things go according to her plan otherwise mankind is doomed for sure this time and there would be no one left to tell the tale.
Keep The Gender Game 2: The Gender Secret and The Gender Game 5: The Gender Fall in mind and be ready for an ending of a lifetime. All the classic stories by Bella always have a proper and stupendous ending. Thus this one would not be deprived of a good ending which it deserves for sure. Characters that will survive in the end will have a lot to tell to the audience and mostly the stories would be related to their losses rather than gains.

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