The Girl Who Dared to Think 3: The Girl Who Dared to Descend

When you are in the Tower you have to follow the rules and the same pattern because if you drift away from those things then you are bound to suffer. There are secrets buried in this strange place that can provide you answers to different things but at the same time, one can get lost in the puzzles of this magical world. Liana Castell was also looking for answers to various questions and above all, she wanted to save her people from the calamity which was going to engulf all of them very soon.
She dared to challenge the odds and stood against the test of time. Though risking her life was not part of her bigger plan but she had to do it as there was no other way. Bella Forrest builds up the situation quite nicely around Liana and within no time the girl finds herself in an entirely new situation out of which she cannot get out alive.

This third part is not very different from the first part and the only difference is that here Liana has gone much deeper into the mystery which could solve her problem forever or enhance it. Kirsten Leigh happens to be the official narrator for the series and a sure improvement can be seen in the narration in every part.

The “Gender Game” comprising of books like The Gender Game 2: The Gender Secret and The Gender Game 6: The Gender Plan could be the next series which the fans can select i.e written by the same author. Every book of the series is like exploring a new layer of the same dimension.

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