The Gate Thief is a fantasy novel and is the second novel in the Mither Mages trilogy. It is written by Orson Scott Card. The author continues to tell the magnificent tale of Mages of Westil who are living on Earth in exile. Read other books from the author such as Shadow of the Hegemon and Speaker for the Dead.
The narration has been done by Stefan Rudnicki and Emily Rankin. The narration isn’t fantastic, to say the least. It helps to have two narrators though since the male’s voice is a bit too think for some of the youthful characters. His tone is monotone at some points. He has an amazing voice for sure, but in this situation, it just doesn’t suit this coming of age novel.
Danny North is still in high school. Yet, he has the stolen secrets of thirteen centuries of gatemages still in his heart and mind. Families surely want to kill him still. But he is too powerful now. If they can’t control him, and they surely can’t, they will try their best to finish him.

Meanwhile, on Westil, Wad is powerless. He had lost everything to Danny in the struggle in the last book. Even though there is a chance he might survive his enemies, he still has to forge peace with Gatemage Daniel North. Even then, when Danny took power from Loki, he also became responsible for the Great Gates. Soon, he will come face-to-face with the mages known as Bel and Ishtoreth. When that happens, our hero will be tested beyond imagination. He will be at the precipice of life and death. Finally, he will realize why Loki had closed the Gates all those centuries ago.