The Emerald Brooch

The Emerald Brooch is the fourth chapter in the Celtic Brooch novel series. It is a contemporary romance novel which is authored by Katherine Lowry Logan. She is known for her Celtic Brooch Series and writes beautiful travel romance novels. The Ruby Brooch from the same subject series is a very good example of her work. Another good novel from the series is The Three Brooches.

The narration of this novel is done by Teri Schnaubelt. It was a good job done by Teri which made this audiobook easy to listen to.

David McBain is the one who could do the impossible even having his one hand tied firmly to his back. But, miracles are meant to change the course of things. A couple of postings in Afghanistan could not set Major McBain along with Capt. Kenzie for a well leading up to the D-Day. It is June 6 of 1944.

Capt. Kenzie, the West Point graduate planned a lot to make a good career in Arm. But, serious injuries during the second posting and PTSD issues forced her to retire from the forces. Eventually, she joined law school. While studying law in England, she received a package. It had the emerald brooch along with a Gaelic inscription. When she spoke the words engraved on the stone, she went back in time to 28th May 1944.

When Elliot came to know that Kenzie, the half-sister of his friend has vanished then he sent Jack Mallory and McBain in the past to find her.

Katherine writes beautifully and picking this novel for your next literary session will be a safe choice always, especially if you like romance. This book has got lots of emotion and it is really hard to pick one best moment as there are many.

Full Audiobook
