The Book of Joy Audiobook
His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu are quite famous for their happy nature and they have tried to spread positive vibes all around the globe. Both of them are the winners of the Nobel prize so it is for sure that we are not listening to the ideas of any ordinary person rather they are the two who are best at this thing. The joy which these two authors have provided to the world is extraordinary.
The two didn’t get together for a meeting rather they were in the same place because of a birthday party and they decided to talk about joy. As all of us know that joy is something more than happiness because it is permanent. Happiness remains for a moment and then it loses its color while joy is the sensation that can be lived again and again. [The Book of Joy Audiobook]

The two authors start talking about their own experiences in life at the beginning of the book to tell the listeners that they too faced the situations which average people face in their life. Douglas Carlton Abrams, Peter Francis James, and Francois Chau have narrated these stories which the authors have told in simple words. [The Book of Joy Audiobook]
The purpose of these stories was to make people understand that everyone goes through the same kind of issues and it is up to us to take it positively or the other way around. The Art of Happiness and The Heart of Meditation also induced positive spirits in the listeners. Thus joy comes to us when we start feeling it, if we are dejected from our life then nothing is going to change for us no matter how hard we try.