Stephanie’s Challenge

Stephanie was looking for something challenging in her life and the post of a lieutenant was the right job for her. Every day was a new day for her and it had new challenges too which she loved to deal with. Getting to the core of the problems and the hideouts of the criminals was the most appealing thing for Stephanie. Her life was still not complete because the woman wanted more from her profession and her next target was to enter into the Royal Guard.
Being the first female member of the Royal Guard was an honor for her and it was also a challenging task for her as a failure can ruin her career in a single day. King Jotham’s Royal Guard was being led by Nicholas Deffand when Stephanie joined in. The young captain attracted the attention of Stephanie from the first meeting and soon both of them were madly in love.

One thing of great concern for both of them was their career which could be affected due to their relationship. M.K. Eidem first tells the audience about the love affair and then comes the sacrifice which separates the two members of the royal guard. Grim and Wray are also available for action lovers who like stories directly connected to the personal life of the main characters.

Ian Gordon, Jennifer Gill, and Ian Gordon are the three narrators of this novel and they selected separate characters at the start after which they didn’t try to shift positions. Because of this, the voice of the characters remains the same throughout the story and there is no change anywhere.

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