
Spin is a contemporary romance novel that is the first installment in the Songs of Corruption novel series. The book is written by CD Reiss. She is a New York-born writer who moved to California to study screenwriting at USC. She started with her writing career post her master’s degree and managed to become a proficient self-published author. Mafia Bride is a good title by the author and so is her Crown Rules.

The narration of this book is done by Mindy Kennedy. It was a decent narration and no complaints there whatsoever.

Theresa was looking to get an answer for one thing. Is there something seriously going wrong with her? This is a concern as what everyone sees, she has got brains, money and the required body to get the job done. But, still, she is seen regularly getting shelved. It was the case by her fiancé most recently, who was the DA.

She is capable to get over it. She would go on to have a nice and sort encounter with Antonio who was an Italian. He was a mobster. He was quite smart and hot as well. She was quite protective of Theresa and could go to any extent to protect her. This is what use to turn her on. There is indeed something wrong with her.

Spin is an average story. You will find it entertaining in some parts, while slow-paced in others. You will also find that the chemistry between the characters of Antonio and Theresa looks to be forced and not natural as such. The book is for a mature audience due to dirty talk, rough sex, and a few criminal activities.

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