Soul Gem Collector 2

The first installment of this series made most of the fans crazy and everyone wanted to listen more about the sole human who enters the world of magic. Being a human was never an advantage in the world of magic because the creatures with more power usually look down on the humans as worthless creatures. Logan Jacobs’ main character was surely not a pitiable object at all because he had the potential to dominate each magical creature present in the institute.
He can extract the soul out of a living body and then put it in a gem for later use. The power which the character possesses is surely great but he cannot tell anyone about his powers as he is slowly capturing more and more souls in different gems. Then those gems can be used later on in different spells, till then everything should be kept hidden from everyone.

An elven girl gets attached to him and finally, he gets the support which he needed but he does not even tell her about his powers as he was the one who captured the soul of her boyfriend very cleverly. Alex Perone and Marissa Parness have served as a fine pair in the narration department of this novel.

Mage Assassin and Scholomance also revealed the true purpose of the main character in the later stages. This novel is also twisty in the sense that the main character does not tell anybody that what he is trying to do. His soul collection and gaining power gives the audience a hint that he has something big in stock for all of us.

Full Audiobook
