Smoke Screen

Sandra Brown’s most extraordinary novel “Smoke Screen” is narrated by Victor Slezak. These are Sandra Brown’s outstanding publications to read Blind Tiger and Seeing Red.

When a broadcaster “Britt Shelley” awakened in bed with the attractive and hard-celebrating “Jay Burgess” an investigator in the “Charleston PD” she remembered nothing of how she was brought to there and how “Jay” ended up dead. Jay was a legend of an unfortunate fire at “Charleston’s police” base camp which would have been considerably frightful notwithstanding the grit of Jay and three other city authorities who drove others to wellbeing.

The fireman “Raley Gannon” was Jay’s long-lasting companion and had been appointed to explore the fire however the examination finished in an outrage that broke “Raley’s” reality, and constrained him to give up the lady he adored and to which work he had committed his life. For a very long time his hatred has been putrefied however, he was vulnerable to fix things that changed when he learned of “Jay’s” stunning demise.

As doubt against “Britt Shelley” ascended “Raley” understood that the broadcaster woman might be his lone opportunity to get individual plea and equity for the seven casualties of the police headquarters shoot. Some influential men would prefer not to resolve unanswered inquiries regarding the fire and would go to any lengths to ensure their notorieties.

As both “Raley and Britt” find more about what occurred on that game-changing day, they understood that they were not only pursuing reality as well as chasing for their lives.

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