Slay: Rivalry

This memoir “Slay: Rivalry” is written by Laurelin Paige and narrated by Elena Wolfe. This is taken from the first volume of the “Slay Quartet” series. . She has experience of several years in writings on different characters and multiple aspects of life. This “Slay: Rivalry” is her best writing in which she documented all story more effectively. If you want to have a read of her work then do refer to these books Wild War and Dirty Filthy Rich Man.

Edward Fasbender was a fallen angel. He was my dad’s greatest opponent. He took what he needed and this time “Edward Fasbender” needed me. I did not needed him back. Having him was not likely to work out, not when an association with him would obliterate my dad that did not mean I could not play with him a little. But I have never frolic against a particularly savage adversary. Edward was stony and horrendous, and my blood has never run more smoking. However, I have generally favored one in a million chances even though it would get me slain.

Lauren Paige is a particularly astonishing narrator and this story does not frustrate her. It was an expert class in character improvement, in playing with inspiration, and in science. She is exceptionally strong in introducing the readers to this narrative of a character.

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