Seducing Stag

A distress signal made Stag change the direction of his ship and when he reached the destination he witnessed that the enemy has disappeared. Markus Models attacked a ship with humans in it and after the destruction of the ship the enemy left just one survivor i.e Nala. Nala in a short period faced the toughest situation of her life and she was busted when Stag found her. Stag also hated the humans because he was once arrested by the humans after which he faced the consequences in a really bad way. For this reason, Stag wanted to kill Nala but when she kissed him at the time when she had the chance to kill him, he was surprised.
The alpha never expected such behavior from a human female and after the kiss, he too wanted her in his bed and his life. Laurann Dohner has created a marvelous love tale between two creatures who are enemies. An appeal that is aroused between Nala and Stag just makes them madly engaged in a love affair.

Leaving each other’s hands becomes impossible for them and though they know that they have to cross certain boundaries to come closer, they don’t show reluctant behavior. The one who thinks that the characters in Mate Set and Shadow were bold in lovemaking, should listen to this one as here the characters are bolder.

If anyone could have narrated the story in a better way than it was Mindy Kennedy so selecting Mindy was like bringing more perfection to the love story. Nala advances towards Stag first and later it is Stag who wants to keep her forever.

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