Savage Nature is the fifth chapter of A Leopard Novel series. The book is a work of fantasy and it is written by Christine Feehan. If you want something really special from the author then it could be her Savage

Savage Nature overall is a very enjoyable audio novel. The author did a brilliant job in devising such a beautiful storyline so that you will be drawn into this story for a very long time. All of the characters in this novel are quite amazing. Especially, the male lead character deserves to be mentioned here. If you are a keen follower of the story then you must be familiar with the character who is so beautifully developed.
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- 01. chapter001 3663.75
- 02. chapter002 3663.75
- 03. chapter003 3663.75
- 04. chapter004 3663.75
- 05. chapter005 3663.75
- 06. chapter006 3663.75
- 07. chapter007 3663.75
- 08. chapter008 3663.75
- 09. chapter009 3663.75
- 10. chapter010 3663.7
- 11. chapter011 3663.75
- 12. chapter012 3663.75
- 13. chapter013 3663.75
- 14. chapter014 3663.75
- 15. chapter015 3153.64