Safe Harbor is a paranormal romance fantasy novel. It is the fifth book in the Drake Sisters novel series. The subject title is written by Christian Feehan. She specializes in writing paranormal romance and fantasy novels mainly. If you have time for more books by the author then Shadow Game is the book for you. Another worthy title of the author to share here is Shadow Rider.
The audio narration of the Safe Harbor novel is done by Alyssa Bresnahan. She did an excellent job of bringing the perfect emotions and distinguishable voices for the different characters.

Stunning Hannah Drake was one of the seven daughters in an incredible line of extraordinary women. For quite a long time, he has been more of an elusive object of love for Sheriff Jonas Harrington. This was the case for as long as he could remember. If only she was the one driven by a passion that was other than her career.
On the other side, Jonas was not the only one with desires for Hannah. From deep within the shadows emerged a highly vengeful figure who stalked the beauty, while having all the intentions to destroy her. Could all of the special powers of her sisters keep her safe from any harm? Would Jonas be able to get hold of the elusive assailant? Do check out this Safe Harbor book to find all the answers about the story and the characters that you might be looking for.
Alyssa Bresnahan has done the narration of this Safe Harbor book. She made a perfect choice for the narration of this book and made it an easy listen for the audience.
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Audiobook player
- 01. 001 - Safe Harbor Drake Sisters, Book 5 5255.19
- 02. 002 - Safe Harbor Drake Sisters, Book 5 5257.94
- 03. 003 - Safe Harbor Drake Sisters, Book 5 5258.25
- 04. 004 - Safe Harbor Drake Sisters, Book 5 5259.56
- 05. 005 - Safe Harbor Drake Sisters, Book 5 5260.65
- 06. 006 - Safe Harbor Drake Sisters, Book 5 5260.38
- 07. 007 - Safe Harbor Drake Sisters, Book 5 5253.09
- 08. 008 - Safe Harbor Drake Sisters, Book 5 5255.54
- 09. 009 - Safe Harbor Drake Sisters, Book 5 5259.28
- 10. 010 - Safe Harbor Drake Sisters, Book 5 1336.76