Risteard’s Unwilling Empress is a paranormal romance novel. It is the fourth chapter of the Lords of Kassis novel series. The book is written by S. E. Smith. She appeared in the bestselling lists of USA Today and New York Times, where she made 15 entries into the former list which is quite an achievement by the author. You will find her books to be around science-fiction fantasies, urban fantasies, and paranormal romance novels. The Dragon’s Treasure can easily be declared as the best novel by S. E. Smith. Moreover, the author could be seen with her best writing skills in The Sea King’s Lady novel.
Samantha Cook is the narrator of this audiobook. It was a wonderful performance and you will enjoy it.
Risteard Roald is the ruler of Elpidios who was known to be deadly and powerful. Elpidios was a planet dying slowly without having any of the needed Blood Stones for gradually absorbing the radiation. It was destroying the stratosphere. He was determined to do anything that it takes for the sake of protecting this world and its inhabitants. But, time was running out very quickly.

Hope found its way from a much-unexpected source and that source was the Kassis. Another way was found to replicate the Blood Stones which was the major requirement for saving this world. But, his first dealings with the Kassian left a very deep impact on trust for the species. Then comes Ricki who was known for dealing well with the diplomats and to handle any sort of complex situations.
This novel has a great love story and is easily the best title in the series. You will find a lot of secrets uncovered in this installment.