Reborn: Apocalypse: Book 2 is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the second chapter in Reborn: Apocalypse novel series which is written by L.M. Kerr. He has got a great writing style where you will always find a good concept or a theme. His characters are always powerful and storylines are intriguing. You must try out his Reborn: Apocalypse (Volume 3) novel. It will be an even better idea to first try out his Reborn: Apocalypse, Book 1 which is the title chapter of the series. Then you can try out the other two chapters in order which are under discussion here.
Adam Stubbs narrated this novel in audio. The performance was mostly good but there was one considerable flaw in it. You will constantly hear the frustrating swallow sound from the narrator which ruined the mood of the listeners.
The story is all about Michael. It was about inhibiting any of the disasters before they could be triggered. It was about fighting the enemies from every side and also saving the lives of countless people. These are all the burdens that Michael must abide by. They were getting heavier just as he continued with his battle against all the odds and to complete his mission promptly. His mission was to inhibit the apocalypse and to save the entire mankind from the threat of getting wiped out from the surface of the earth.
The Reborn: Apocalypse: Book 2 brings a great conclusion to the fantastic journey of Michael through the First Layer. The book will push you to try the next chapter in the series, which will be equally as good.