Rebel Born

Roselle wanted to live the life of a simple human i.e have a peaceful life and maybe find love but everything was snatched from her. She transformed into an assassin because of the evil doing of a mad scientist. The technology freak put a chip in Roselle’s brain which made her a demigod in her world. At first, the girl was not aware of her powers but when a gang tried to abduct her, the true powers hidden in her were unleashed.
With the help of these powers, she was able to destroy and defeat her enemies and then the unexpected happened i.e Roselle was deceived by her mother which she was not expecting at all. After that, the audience observes a different Roselle in the story who is stronger and more violent in action.

The girl does not care about anyone and is bound to take revenge from her enemies at any cost. Enemies of the girl get threatened because of her behavior as she comes with no mercy in her arsenal. Amy A. Bartol is the kind of writer who never settles for the second best so the stories are always with a proper plot.

Darken the Stars and Iniquity had no weak links in them at any place and it was the author’s genius that made those stories everlasting. At this point, the effort of the narrator i.e Kate Reinders cannot be neglected because she too has given a lot of attention to this novel. The narrator has shown complete commitment in every part and there is no trembling of voice or a low pitch at any place.

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