Real Good Man is a military romantic comedy novel. It is the opening book in The Rel Duet novel series. The book is authored by Meghan March. If you like the subject novel then you must also check out her d Real Good Love novel. Another recommended book that Meghan March has written is Beneath These Chains.
Elena Wolfe and Sebastian York have done the narration of the Real Good Man book. These two are fabulous narrators and played a key role in the success of this audiobook. Would you ever fall for a woman over text messages only? That is not possible even in hell. Reality by no means could ever be as good as fantasy is, correct? That’s wrong. It is quite better actually. The story started with the character of Banner Regents who was funny, smart, and completely out of my league, at least so far. She might well be royalty.

I was a mechanic from Kentucky, she was a party girl from New York City. We both were never destined to meet but then one text soon started something which neither of us ever saw coming. How could one possibly seduce a woman who had everything already? What one could offer to such a woman to get a return favor? Maybe, one could show her what it is like to be with a handsome and good man.
The story of the book is good but the character development could have been better to make them more compelling. The last part of the book is quite confusing because it has the epilogue for the second book actually and not the subject book.
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Audiobook player
- 01. 001 - Real Good Man The Real Duet, Book 1 5257.46
- 02. 002 - Real Good Man The Real Duet, Book 1 5258.32
- 03. 003 - Real Good Man The Real Duet, Book 1 5256.93
- 04. 004 - Real Good Man The Real Duet, Book 1 2809.28