Real Fake Love

Real Fake Love is a contemporary romance novel. This is the second installment in Copper Valley Fireballs novel series which is written by Pippa Grant. She is a bestselling author who writes romantic comedy novels. Her writings usually will make you cry and have tears running down all the down your leg. It will be a good idea to experience her The Grumpy Player Next Door novel. Jock Blocked is another sensational novel that Pippa Grant has written.

The audio narration of this novel is done by Virginia Rise and Jason Clarke. They both are amazing narrators and their performance was exceptional with no complaints from the listeners at all.

If anybody had the opposites then for me it was Luca Rossi. His butt was in the hall of fame of baseball. Mine on the other side was placed comfortably in the hall of lame. When he was not playing then he was mostly busy doing the shampoo commercials. I jammed my finger once while mixing the cookie dough and sometimes I forget that shampoo is a thing. When it comes to love then he is a complete cynic. I am the one who use to write love stories for a living. And, after my last engagement that broke, I was clear that he is the man I want to have in my life.

Real Flake Love is a great story that will make you laugh so hard at times. There will be no dull moment in this novel at all. The characters of Henri and Luca were amazing. They will feel the real opposite of each other at one time and then the same at the other moment.


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