
Dannika Dark is a US-based writer who has bestselling novels in USA Today. She has got expertise in writing paranormal romance and urban fantasy romance etc. if you like that then do consider listening to her audiobooks of The Vow and Seven Years.

Ravenheart is a paranormal romance novel. The book is the second installment in the Crossbreed novel series. It is narrated by Nicole Poole. You can call her performance good but not outstanding.

Raven Black is all set to take on the entire world as in a criminal hunter for lease. This was the case after two weeks of joining the Keystone by her. This was possible if her partner was not a vampire that has a penchant as well to get under the skin. Raven was badly missing freedom despite having all the lavish and beautiful surroundings. She wanted freedom where there are no rules at all. The next assignment by Keystone for her would put her self-control to the test and that too in more ways than just one. Soon, the dead bodies were seen to surface up in the streets of the human district. All the signs are seen there were pointing directly to a serial killer, Breed. To catch Breed, Christian and Raven set off on another mission that would take them into the uncharted waters. Their lives are definitely at stake. Is it possible for Raven to trust her instincts or will she get trapped in a web that is made from deceit and lies?

Ravenheart is a beautiful chapter. It is highly recommended if you prefer paranormal romance in your literary time.

Full Audiobook
