Talking about 1934in a novel means, the author is going to describe a lot about the economic depression and the condition of the local people. It was the time when people were always worried about their finances. Money was the main thing that was difficult to have and between all of this Ella is portrayed as standing strong with her son Solly. The Texas boarding house which Ella is running happens to be her only source of income and she has insured that all rooms of the boarding house remained occupies all the time.
Mr. David Rainwater came to the place because he was recommended that place by a trustworthy friend. Ella thought that welcoming Rainwater was not a good idea but she was without choices. She had to keep him for the sake of the budget which was going out of her control. Sandra Brown writes how the situation keeps on getting worse because of the economic issues and Ella gets surrounded by rivals from all sides.

In this situation, she finally gets the chance to understand Mr. Rainwater who stays there to help her in any way possible. Victor Slezak’s narration has taken the audience back to the place Texas! Chase and Mean Streak took place.
This story also provides us with the lesson that how the presence of a single individual can bring change in a place or even the whole society on some occasions. Ella used to think that she was alone and helpless and when Rainwater stood with her in the test of time, then all her fears disappear very quickly. She develops the courage to stand against the enemies or rivals who have been teasing her for a very long time.