P.S. I Hate You

This tale “P.S. I Hate You” is written by Winter Renshaw and narrated by Victoria Mei along with Wally Schrass. These Arrogant Playboy and The Best Man are marvelous writings by Winter Renshaw.

Few months before Isaiah was only a fighter going to be sent and was only a server, sneaking a free hotcake and trusting you would not see that his look was waiting excessively long. However, you took note. We consumed one time on earth exchanging week together before you went, and we bid farewell on one day, trading addresses at last.

I rescued each letter you kept in touch with me, your words rapidly turning into my religion. However, you went quiet on me months prior and afterward you had the daringness to stroll into my cafe yesterday and behaved as you would never see me in your life.

Mariska Claiborne was twenty-four years of age and was the granddaughter of one of “Hollywood’s” exemplary celebrities and centerfold girl models. She lived in Brentwood in her renowned grandma’s loft alongside her cousin and closest companion “Melrose” however cash and distinction did not protect “Claiborne’s” from procuring their keep. She was relied upon to pay the “Gram” lease. It was an exercise Gram learned in her prior years and gave to the future. Mariska filled in as a server at the “Brentwood Pancake and Coffee” hotel notable for their renowned hotcakes and the one flapjack for each client strategy.

Isaiah Torre was a twenty-seven years recluse. Of course, he has gotten to know individual fighters during his ten years in the Army. He discovered that exercise the most difficult way possible ten years prior and his entire family would not allow him to live down what befell his dad.

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