Power Leveling is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the fourth book in the Level Up! novel series which is written by Simon Archer. The author has been a big fan of superheroes and science fiction and fantasy stuff. He became a writer of the same and provided people with some outstanding entertainment. If you have time then do try out his Monster Girl Defense Force. Moreover, you will also have a good time with them I’m the Bad Guy novel by the author.
The audio narration of Power Leveling title is done by Gary Furlong. It turned out to be a magnificent performance by Gary and you will enjoy everything about his voice acting.
Sam along with his available team might be among the quickest ever heroes who had got the license in history. But, this does not mean that they could just bang on the chance to rest on their laurels. A series of villain attacks got triggered all across the world. As a result of that and in the aftermath, people started to disappear as well. The authorities in that situation were also lost. It was all up to Sam for relying on Aspect, his video game. That was the thing to follow on the quest lines and also to gain the levels which he needed. Finally, the requirement was also to track the waypoints till the time he could uncover the truth.
As compared to the first three books of the subject series. Power Leveling is weaker. Rather, it is nowhere close to the quality of the first three novels. Nonetheless, if you look at this title individually and without any comparison then you will find it worth your time.
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Audiobook player
- 01. 001 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 13.8448
- 02. 002 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1228.94
- 03. 003 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1187.01
- 04. 004 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 880.196
- 05. 005 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1144.06
- 06. 006 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1197.2
- 07. 007 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1181.42
- 08. 008 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1301.33
- 09. 009 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1365.21
- 10. 010 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1044.76
- 11. 011 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1437.23
- 12. 012 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1257.6
- 13. 013 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1299.66
- 14. 014 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1076.11
- 15. 015 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1195.16
- 16. 016 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1176.53
- 17. 017 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1080.89
- 18. 018 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1175.88
- 19. 019 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1116.84
- 20. 020 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1289.5
- 21. 021 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1265.36
- 22. 022 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1207.99
- 23. 023 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1109.31
- 24. 024 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1025.03
- 25. 025 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1136.59
- 26. 026 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1169.77
- 27. 027 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 991.488
- 28. 028 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 976.388
- 29. 029 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 1608.12
- 30. 030 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 655.991
- 31. 031 - Power Leveling Level Up!, Book 4 19.8008