Polaris Rising

Ada was a part of the royal family but she was not among the lucky ones because she was fifth on the list. Being fifth on the list means that she had no future linked to the throne. The king however can use her for a political marriage to strengthen his bond with the neighboring king. So all Ada can do in her life is to wait for her political bargain and that’s all. A member from House Rockhurst wants her hand and her father readily agrees because the proposal was bringing a lot for the king along with hit.
Ada didn’t like the person but if she remains in the palace she would be given no other option so she decides to run. She takes a ship and runs towards the stars to disappear forever. The king’s men follow her and for almost two years the chase continues. In the end, Ada is arrested and is locked in a cell with a deadly being to be taken back to earth.
Loch’s presence in the cell alarms the princess because he is known as a master killer in the entire galaxy. Soon the princess thinks of a plan and makes a bargain with Loch who can help her in escaping the ship and the enemies who have started attacking the ship.
Jessie Mihalik has written this first part of the series in a very hot way. Emily Woo Zeller has also enjoyed narration this part which is full of appeal. Hunt the Stars and Queen’s Advantage could be the next choice of the listener if he wants more fun and enjoyment. Young kids can only enjoy the action of these books as the sex scenes are not for them.

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