The love between Kahlan and Richard has no parallel, the author Terry Goodkind showed their love as something raw. That love however is non-existent because one of the two lovers has lost her memory completely. All Kahlan remembers now is her name and her rest of the memory has been whitewashed.
What were the reasons because which she lost her memory is not mentioned in the earlier portion of the novel? The main thing which the author informs us is that Kahlan has become destructive to the world. She is not the savior which she used to be when she was with her loving husband. Now she is the terror which is bringing hell to the mortal world.

Richard on the other hand still loves his wife and knows that she is possessed by an evil force and he has to save her and the world no matter what happens to him in the process. Sam Tsoutsouvas narrates with passion and aggression at times of action. Kahlan also knows that there is something wrong with her but she is not trying to bring back her memory.
She is fully aware that if she tries to do that, her body would be possessed by the evil forces completely that are currently controlling her indirectly. Sadness is everywhere and this where it diverges away from the stories such as Wizard’s First Rule and Stone of Tears.
There is no leisure time for Kahlan and Richard anywhere in the novel. Kahlan is not even searching for Richard because she has forgotten all about his existence. Richard only gets pain when he tries to get closer to the woman he loves from the core of his heart.