Perilous Hunt

Lindsay Buroker has written six books of the series before this one and all the books make the hair of the listener stand right up at the climax. On most occasions, the stories are written as love stories but they come up with a lot more. No one can guess what Kate Reading’s voice will bring to the fans. Alisa is the main star of this show and her prime motive in life is to be with her daughter who is going away from her at a rapid pace.
Though the mother tries every time Jelena is going away like the wind. Along with Leonidas, the mother comes to the research station where she thinks she can finally see her daughter. Her daughter was supposed to be present at the research station but at the center of the Asteroid belt, Alisa just finds nothing. The hopes of the mother crumble but she is just not ready to accept the fact that she would not be able to see her daughter again in life.
Prince Thorian is also with Alisa and this has made the stakes rise even further. It is the love of a mother which makes this book stand tall among The Blade’s Memory and Patterns in the Dark.
Though the mother never gets the hint that whether her daughter is alive or not but her mind and heart cannot accept that she would not be able to see the beautiful face of Jelena who visits her in her dreams every night. The enemies, troubles, and the galaxy around cannot crush the passion and courage of a mother.

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