Peace, Blood, and Understanding

Peace, Blood, and Understanding is a paranormal romance novel that serves as the fifteenth book in the Half-Moon Hollow series. It is written by Molly Harper. She is known worldwide for her paranormal romance series. She is the author of many hit series. Check out How to Date Your Dragon, the first book in the Mystic Bayou series. Furthermore, if you are unfamiliar with Half-Moon Hollow, don’t forget to read Nice Girl’s Don’t Have Fangs.

Amanda Ronconi is the tried and tested partner of Molly when it comes to narrating her books. She always does an exceptional job. Both are well-suited for one another. This novel follows the plans of a vampire consultant who has evil plans to oust Jane Jameson from her important role as the head of Half-Moon Hollow council of vampires.

Who would have thought that vampires were so into bureaucracy? Things have been a little unorthodox ever since Jane took control of running the Vampire Council. This doesn’t sit well with the head office. Then, a vampire enters the scene from corporate who’s determined to unseat Jane from her position. He wants to get the council back on track. He wants to end this Kentucky neighborliness. He wants the vampires to stop fraternizing with humans, witches, werewolves, or anything that moves.

Jane isn’t interested in going back to the old days. That was a time when the council was mired in corruption. Vampires used to “accidentally” eat people and that wasn’t pleasant. Jane might be out of her depth this time, but a pretty face might save her from a mighty downfall. The series continues with another amazing book. The tree grows stronger as every side character gets their book. We can’t wait for some of the other characters to be given their stories.

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