Of Fire and Night

Humans are under attack from different sides and there is unrest all over the galaxy. Different groups are trying to dominate the galaxy and for this purpose, they want to overthrow the human ruler. To end human rule these groups have planned to destroy mother earth.
Basil Wenceslas i.e the current ruler of the earth and the human world is under a lot of stress but he is not making any wise decisions at all. Basil has been making incorrect decisions for a very long time and it is because of these decisions that the empire is crumbling. The humans have run short of allies and the soldiers have started to rebel against the king. These soldiers who have become traitors are looting the ships and killing other soldiers without any mercy.
Jora’h i.e the mage is leading the enemies and if there is no change in the decision of the king then soon the war would be over within no time and humans will lose. A few allies get together to help Hansa and this comes as a ray of hope for everyone. Kevin J. Anderson writes about dark times for mankind and the author hasn’t portrayed the human race as weak, rather the decision of the leader has resulted in such a situation.
David Colacci ‘s voice again takes the listeners to the galaxy i.e the one we observed in The Dark Between the Stars. Struggles and wars are seen in the novel and it is the enemies that have the upper hand in the scenario. Instead of winning, the humans are surviving this deadly situation.

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