Of Fire and Night is a science fiction romance novel. It is the fifth book in the Saga of Seven Suns novel series. The book is written by Kevin J. Anderson. He is an American author of science fiction novels. He is also credited with writing spin-offs of Star Wars and The X-Files among others. If you want to go for the best novels of the author then Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Trilogy, Volume 1: Jedi Search is one of them. Moreover, Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Trilogy, Volume 2: Dark Apprentice is another top book by Kevin J. Anderson.
The audio narration of the Fire and Night novel is done by David Colacci. He has a great voice and was able to add some drama into it, which the subject book needed to portray.

The extermination of the planet Earth was at hand. Basil Wenceslas was the chairman of the Hansa. With his never-ending irrational leadership, humanity was driven into a corner. His treatment of the Hansa colonies and the Roamers had made enemies for the people of Earth. Those were the enemies that Hansa cannot afford, especially not when Wenceslas was struggling a lot against the revolt by the soldier compies. Those were the ones who decimated the military by slaughtering soldiers and stealing ships. There was also betrayal by the Ildirans that was led by the Mage-Imperator of Jora’h, who was secretly planning with the hydrogues to annihilate the planet Earth.
The disparate factions of humanity then must plan for their very own salvation. At the time when the ultimate battle along with the hydrogues was joined then who would support the people of Earth?