Nice Girls Don’t Live Forever

Nice Girls Don’t Live Forever is the third book in the Half-Moon Hollow series. it is written by the brilliant and famous Molly Harper. The queen of paranormal romance has come with yet another amazing and magical story about love and heartbreak. She has other books that should be checked out, like How to Date Your Dragon and Love and Other Wild Things.

There is nothing much to say about Amanda Ronconi’s narration, especially when it is paired with Harper’s writing. They both are a combination made in heaven. Amanda has a heavenly voice that makes any book instantly better. Jane Jameson may or may not have been left by Gabriel in a hotel room in Brussels. He had always been unpredictable but this was completely out of the blue. Jane is alone and unsure of what the recent developments are as she heads home to Half Moon Hollow. Did Gabriel end their relationship without even informing her?

Jane is now in recovery mode. She wants to become a brave new person that is not afraid of the past. She wants her occult bookstore to do well. She also wants to help her best friend Zeb and his werewolf bride. The problem is that someone’s been sending her threatening letters. This someone is possibly tied to Gabriel in some way. Unfortunately for her, a heartbreaking situation is turning into a life and death matter.

Such novels are usually very straightforward with the plot, but with this one, you are bound to be impressed with the complexity of the plot. The dynamic between Jane with her best friends Jolene and Andrea is also amazing. There is also that whole relationship drama between Jane and Gabrielle which can drag on sometimes.

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